Loktev Vadim Vadi Academician of NAS of Ukraine Gomonai Anna Nikolaevna Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Zakharenko V. V Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Hladkovskyi Volodymyr V. Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Academician of NAS of Ukraine Vavilova Iryna B. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics) Melezhik Peter N. Academician of NAS of Ukraine Mryglod Mryglo Mrygl Academician of NAS of Ukraine Naidyuk Yurii Yuri Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Tatarenko Valentyn A. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Velyhotskyi Dmytro V. Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences) Kompaniiets Olena Volodymyrivna Aksonova Kateryna D. PhD Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Geydarov Vusal Vusa PhD Kovshov Yurii Yuri Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Rudakovskyi Anton Volodymyrovych Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Shylo Artem Volodymyrovych Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Bilogolvskii Mykhailo O. Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics) Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics) Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Ivasishyn Orest M. Academician of NAS of Ukraine Tatarenko Valentyn A. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Savvakin Dmytro G. Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics)
Belyaev Oleksandr Yevhenovych Academician of NAS of Ukraine Stronskyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics)
Zakharenko V. V Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Shevtsova Alisa Alis Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Naidyuk Yurii Yuri Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Kalinenko Alexander Alexande Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Mryglod Mryglo Mrygl Academician of NAS of Ukraine Bulavin Leonid A. Academician of NAS of Ukraine Holovko Myroslav Myrosla Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Trokhymchuk Andriy Andri Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics)