Kartel Mykola T. Academician of NAS of Ukraine Belous Anatoly Grigorievich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Academician of NAS of Ukraine Dzjuba Oksana Ivanovna Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Volodymyr Brei Bre Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Brovko Oleksandr O. Doctor of sciences (chemistry) Vovk Andrei I. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Vovk Mykhaylo Volodymyrovych Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Gonchruk Vladislav Volodimirovich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Kartel Mykola T. Academician of NAS of Ukraine Koshechko Vyacheslav Grigorievich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Kuzmin Victor Yevgenovych Academician of NAS of Ukraine Pavlishchuk Vitaly Valentinovich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Popov Anatolii Fedorovich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Prokopenko Vitaliy Anatolievich Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Solopan Sergey Aleksandrovych Doctor of sciences (chemistry) Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics) Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Viktor Anishchenko Anishchenk Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Bolhova Heelena sergeevna Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences) Danyliuk Ivanna Ivann Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Inshyna Inshyn Inshy Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Larina Olga Victorivna Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Novokhatko Anastasiya Oleksandrivna Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry) Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Omelchuk Anatoly Opanasovych Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Pohorenko Yuliia Volodymyrivna Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Shevchenko Valerij Vasyliovych Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Gumenna Maryana A. Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Gonchruk Vladislav Volodimirovich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Melnik Ludmila Oleksiivna Doctor of sciences (chemistry)
Kuzmin Victor Yevgenovych Academician of NAS of Ukraine Golovenko Mykola Yakovych Doctor of sciences (biology) Volochnyuk Dmytro Mikhalovich Doctor of sciences (chemistry) Doctor of sciences (biology)
Vovk Mykhaylo Volodymyrovych Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Gonchruk Vladislav Volodimirovich Academician of NAS of Ukraine Zuy Oleg Victorovich Doctor of sciences (chemistry)