Department of Energy and Energy Technologies of NAS of Ukraine

Kyrylenko Oleksandr V.
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Kulyk Mykhaylo Mykhayl
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Titko V.O. V.O
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Dunayevska Nataliya I.
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Kudria Stepan O.
Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Mokhor Volodymyr Volodymy
Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Nosovskyi Anatolii
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Snezhkin Yuri Fedorovich
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine

Artemchuk Volodymyr Volodymy
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Zaporozhets Artur Oleksandrovych
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Bilan Tetiana Tetian
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Baranov I. I
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Beztsennyi Ihor Valentynovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Zaitsev Ievgen Oleksandrovich
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)
Kuchanskiy Vladislav Volodimirovich
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Lysak Oleg V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Malakhatka D
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Marasin Oleksii Volodymyrovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Miroshnyk Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Ostapchuk Maria Volodymyrivna
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Blinov Ihor Iho
Doctor of sciences (engineering sciences)

Academician of NAS of Ukraine


Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Babak Vitaliy Pavlovich
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Kulyk Mykhaylo Mykhayl
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Kyrylenko Oleksandr V.
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Matsevity Y M
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Nosovskyi Anatolii
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Shcherba Shcherb Shcher
Academician of NAS of Ukraine
Snezhkin Yuri Fedorovich
Academician of NAS of Ukraine