Academician of NAS of Ukraine Academician of NAS of Ukraine Osadchyi Volodymyr Academician of NAS of Ukraine Kendzera Olexandr Olexand Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Lutsiv Yaroslav K. Candidates of sciences (PhD, geological and mineralogical) Yemelianov Volodymyr O. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Maksymchuk Valemtyn Valemty Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Morozov Anatoliy Academician of NAS of Ukraine Academician of NAS of Ukraine Popov Mykhailo O. Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Rudenko Leonid Hryhorov Academician of NAS of Ukraine Starostenko Vitaliy Vitali Academician of NAS of Ukraine Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Hlavatskyi Dmytro Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Lunov Eugen S Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Vovk Katerina V. Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Gulko Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Ilienko Volodymyr Volodymy Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Kushnir Anatolii Stepanovych Candidates of sciences (PhD, geography) Lunеva Iryna N Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology) Candidates of sciences (PhD, geography) Mychak Sergii Sergi Doctor of sciences (geology)
Semenenko Vira P. Doctor of sciences (geological and mineralogical) Kychan Nataliya V. Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)
Rudenko Leonid Hryhorov Academician of NAS of Ukraine Chekhnii Viktor Mykhailovych Candidates of sciences (PhD, geography)
Kutas Roman Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine Farflyak Lyudmila Lyudmil Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)
Academician of NAS of Ukraine Shybetskyi Iurii Iuri Candidates of sciences (PhD, geological and mineralogical)