Scientific publications and publishing activities

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Scientific and publishing council

The scientific and publishing activity of the Academy began simultaneously with the creation of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS), because the publication of research results is one of the main aspects of the activities of scientists aimed at the development of science and social progress.

The Scientific and Publishing Council (SPC) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a scientific and organizational body under the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which provides general management of the publishing activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The activities of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are built on a public basis with the involvement of a wide range of scientists and specialists and are aimed at comprehensive coverage and popularization of the results of scientific research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in printed publications and other media.

The NVR of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine provides scientific and methodological support for publishing activities and monitoring the presentation of the Academy's scientific products. All the results of the NVR's work are presented on its web resource, the main part of which consists of constantly updated catalogs of books and periodicals. The catalog of book publications presents all books published by all institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 2004.

The combination of traditions and innovations in the process of development of the Academy's publishing business is a guarantee of the organic development of the corresponding segment of the world information space and the purposeful implementation of the information policy of the state.

Website of the Scientific and Publishing Council 

Akademperiodika Publishing House

The publishing house "Akademperiodika" as the publishing house of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the basic organization of the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine works and develops in three main directions. This is the pre-printing preparation of publications - from the manuscript to the original layout, the full cycle of printing preparation - from the original layout to the production of the print run, consultative and methodical work on the issues of streamlining the publishing activities of scientific institutions.

The decision to organize a printing press of scientific journals under the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in order to create the necessary conditions for the reproduction of academic periodicals was adopted by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on April 21, 1995 (Resolution No. 115).

The achievements of the Publishing House in this short period of time are quite significant. The periodical and book edition divisions are fruitfully working in the publishing house. The volume of printing products increases every year: in 2006, the Publishing House published 30 titles of books, and during the year edited, typed, or simply reproduced 33 periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - more than 200 issues. Among them, in addition to the "Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" and "Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", the general academic journal "Science and Innovations", the popular science magazine "Svitoglyad", the scientific journals "Applied Mechanics", "Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies", "Electronic Modeling" ”, “Neurophysiology”, “Cytology and genetics”, “Archaeology” and others.

Today, the publishing house "Akademperiodika" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has a fundamental task - to become a powerful polygraphic base of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to fully satisfy its requirements for the publication of scientific literature.

Website of the "Akademperiodika" Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine