Previous version of the site
About Academy
About the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Awards and honors of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Personal composition
Paton Foundation
Virtual tour of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Presidium of NASU
Apparatus of the Presidium
Councils, committees and commissions
Scientific centers of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Institutions under the Presidium
Non-governmental organizations
Section of Physical and Mathematical sciences
Department of Mathematics
Department of Informatics
Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Earth Science
Department of Materials Science
Department of Energy and Energy Technologies
Department of Nuclear Physics and Energy
Section of Chemical and Biological sciences
Department of Chemistry
Department of Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology
Department of General Biology
Section of Social sciences and Humanities
Department of Economics
Department of History, Philosophy and Law
Department of Literature, Language and art History
General meetings of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Annual reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Scientific publications and publishing activities
Protection of intellectual property rights and technology transfer in scientific institutions
Scientific objects that are national property
Centers for the collective use of instruments of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Office for evaluation of activities of scientific institutions
Open science at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Work with youth
International cooperation
Membership in international organizations
International agreements
International programs and competitions
About Academy
About the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Grants, honors and awards
Personal composition
Charitable Foundation named after Boris Paton
Virtual tour of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Presidium of NASU
Department of mathematics
Computer Science
Physics and astronomy
Earth Sciences
Physical and technical problems of materials science
Physical and technical problems of energy
Nuclear physics and energy
General meetings of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Annual reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Scientific publications and publishing activities
Protection of intellectual property rights and technology transfer in scientific institutions
Scientific objects that are national property
Centers for collective use
Office for evaluation of activities of scientific institutions
Open science at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Work with youth
International cooperation
Membership in international organizations
International agreements
International programs and competitions
Normative acts of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The state budget of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Brodska Valentina V.
Vladimirova Lubov M.
Lev Myroslava M.
Mykytiuk Yulia B.
Sikorska Svitlana D.
Alekseeva Olena V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Atamanenko Olga M.
Boyko M. M
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Veselova Olga V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Dubrova Oleksandr Ye.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Dudchenko Taras M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Kovalenko Sergii A.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Prokopenko V.M. V.M
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Fedorenko Leonid V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Kharchenko Igor Ivanovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Burkut Konstantin S.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, philological)
Hladkovskyi Volodymyr V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Gorokghovatska Olga Ya.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)
Gotsulyak Yaroslav Yarosla
Candidates of sciences (PhD, medicine)
Dzjuba Oksana Ivanovna
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Zadvornyi Yevhenii Oleksandrovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Kobrin Petro P.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Kocheshev Igor O.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Lutsiv Yaroslav K.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geological and mineralogical)
Matvijchuk Larisa O.
Candidates in social communication
Privalikhin Sergii M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Sydorenko Tetiana V
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Titko V.O. V.O
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Hladkovskyi Volodymyr V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Gorokhovatska Maryna Maryn
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Didenko Yulia V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)
Zolotarev Ruslan O.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Logvynenko Vitaliy M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Mischuk Oleg M.
Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics)
Sydorenko Tetiana V
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)
Malchevskii Igor A.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Rutjan Yevgenii V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Shakhanova Nina I.
Zapadynchuk Oleksandr P.
кандидат наук з державного управління
Nasedkin Evgen Igorovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)
Kovshulia Alla A.
Chornous Anna V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, political sciences)
Maistrenko Vladimir L.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Lytvyshko Larysa S.
Myronchuk Anatolii S.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)
Shevchenko Andrii A.
Volosovska Oksana I.
Goncharova Maryna V.
Eliseeva Natalia Yu.
Zhekunova Natalia O.
Myronenko Tetiana V.
Kostetsky Volodymyr Volodymy
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Yurchenko Oleh V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Bilokon Oleksandr S.