Alekseeva Olena V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Boyko M. M
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Dubrova Oleksandr Ye.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Dudchenko Taras M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Kovalenko Sergii A.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Prokopenko V.M. V.M
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Fedorenko Leonid V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Kharchenko Igor Ivanovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)

Burkut Konstantin S.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, philological)
Hladkovskyi Volodymyr V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Gorokghovatska Olga Ya.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)
Gotsulyak Yaroslav Yarosla
Candidates of sciences (PhD, medicine)
Dzjuba Oksana Ivanovna
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Zadvornyi Yevhenii Oleksandrovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Kobrin Petro P.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Kocheshev Igor O.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Lutsiv Yaroslav K.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geological and mineralogical)
Matvijchuk Larisa O.
Candidates in social communication
Privalikhin Sergii M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Sydorenko Tetiana V
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Titko V.O. V.O
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)

Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Hladkovskyi Volodymyr V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Gorokhovatska Maryna Maryn
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Didenko Yulia V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)
Zolotarev Ruslan O.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)
Logvynenko Vitaliy M.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)
Mischuk Oleg M.
Doctor of sciences (physics & mathematics)
Sydorenko Tetiana V
Candidates of sciences (PhD, chemistry)
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)

Malchevskii Igor A.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Rutjan Yevgenii V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, biology)

Zapadynchuk Oleksandr P.
кандидат наук з державного управління
Nasedkin Evgen Igorovych
Candidates of sciences (PhD, geology)

Chornous Anna V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, political sciences)

Maistrenko Vladimir L.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, physics & mathematics)

Myronchuk Anatolii S.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, history)

Kostetsky Volodymyr Volodymy
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)
Yurchenko Oleh V.
Candidates of sciences (PhD, engineering sciences)